137 Mansfield Street, Sherwood, Nottingham NG5 4BD
Monday - Friday 08:30-17:00
+44 (0)115 969 3573

Replacement Steam and Condensate Phase 1

Project Detailsx

Client:NUH NHS Trust
Location:Nottingham, UK
Project Type:Detailed Design with traditional procurement – Refurbishment

Project Overviewx

Design Features:

  • Replacements of single isolation valves with double block and bleed isolation solution; sizes ranging from 100ø – 300ø
  • Replacement of lateral expansion bellows; sizes ranging from 150ø – 300ø
  • Replacement of steam traps, pipework and fittings


Project Detail:

The replacement work required a series of weekend shutdowns carefully planned to minimise disruption to essential healthcare services. The steam supply to the Queens Medical Centre was shutdown in sections to replace existing steam and condensate pipework and fittings ranging from 25ø – 300ø, whilst the hospital remained live and in full working order.

The aim was to undertake a twelve hour steam shutdown each weekend for ten weeks to enable the works to be completed with minimal disruption to the occupants of the live hospital.

After only eight weekend shutdown the majority of the works had been completed successfully.